Le CARNET de la communauté / ANNOUNCEMENTS
Kehilat Gesher is in Urgent need of a photocopier and a fax machine ,a vcr and a TV set,if you or your office have one they would like to donate please call Iris,our secretary.
SUMMER CAMP IN FRANCE 9- 22 JULY : A sleepover camp in western France for kids aged 6-12 organized by the Fédération Juive Francophone (Kehilat Gesher is a member )in association with Moadon, non-profit organization which has 10 years experience organizing sleepover camps in France for Jewish kids . Activities will focus on sports and nature.The camp will emphasize a progressive and pluralist Jewish life, with the input of Rabbi Tom Cohen and his wife, rabbi Pauline Bebe. Kosher food will be served. The price will be around 5,000 francs,including the trip from Paris . We will have more details in about a week . Please contact Rabbi Tom Cohen for further Information Tele/ 06 07 37 91 92.
MUSIC BY JACQUELINE WALES- some of you may remember Jacqueline's beautiful singing during our High holiday services. She has now recorded a CD of original songs called "Secrets of the Sun".If you are interested ,it is available for FF 100 directly from Jacqueline at wlfgirl@attglobal.net or by calling 01 55 73 04 95.
An article entitled "Les amis de Yad Sarah face aux urgences" from the magazine of the Cooperation Feminine was brought to our attention by our friend Shirley Robinson . It calls for urgent assistance, especially medicine for needy Jewish communities in Morocco,Belgrade and the North of Serbia . For further information ,call 01 42 17 10 90.
La Fédération du Judaïsme Libéral francophone organise cet été, en collaboration avec MOADON loisirs, ine association éducative communautaire, in centre de vacances pour les enfants de 7 à 13 ans, de Paris , Lyon Toulouse, Grenoble,Genève.
The French-speaking Liberal Jewish Federation is organizing a Summer camp, in collaboration with MOADON loisirs, for children between the ages of 7 and 13 years old from Paris,Lyon,Toulouse,Grenoble and Geneva.
Téléphonez à Moïse Anoufa de Moadon au 01 43 96 19 78 pour les renszignements complémentaires. Please call 01 43 96 19 78 to talk to Moïse Anoufa from Moadon for more information .
To all of the children who are going to this summer camp, have a great time!!!
A tous les enfants qui participent à ces vacances, bonnes vacances!!!
Naissances / Births
Ron, son of Brain and Ruth TOWERS (former KG members now living in Israel), born on Febuary 2,2000.
Marion. Fille de Rémy et de Sabine SCHWARTZ (notrre ami, le président de la CJL-Paris et le vice-président de la Fédération du Judaïsm Libéral), née le 17 mars 2000.
Hélène, fille de Joël et de Rébecca SCHOLL-BARBIER(anciens membres de Kehilat Gesher qui habitent actuellement aux USA), née le 21 mars 2000.
Adoption,Tamara MATHENY, daughter of Ted and Betsy - and sister of Andrew, Cici and Hannah, born on April 9, 1996, adopted on March 21,2000 in Krasnodar, Russia. Baroukha Haba'a ,bienvenue and Welcome.
Marriages / Weddings ,Roberta STREIFER and Bruce KELLER , May 29,2000 in Paris.
Nathalie et Jean-Marc BEN KEMOUN, le 25 juine 2000 aux Alluets-le-Roi
Décès / Deaths
Denise HAÏK le 26 mars 2000 (Paris)
Edward KAPLAN March 29, 2000 (USA)
George WALLER April 24,2000 (USA)
Jacob COHEN, le 18 mai 2000 (Montpellier)
A Gill Haïk , a Robin Kaplan-Obr, à Nancy Machiah, et à Sylvie Cohen-Praluse, et à leurs familles, nous adressons nos sentiments de plus profinde compassion dans la douleur qui les affige.
A Fund dedicated to acquiring our own Torah…
Six years ago, a former KG member Dan Leeds , was coming back from a business trip, carrying with him what most likely was the most unusual package he ever was requested to transport back to France : a Torah. Previously, I had been in contact with Don Weber, the rabbi of Temple Rodeph Torah of Western Monmouth , New Jersey, who had offered to give our brand new and struggling community one of their Torahs- but one one condition . The Torah was being lent to us and not given to us! As rabbi Webber put it , "This particular Torah was given to Rodeph Torah in its early years on the basis that one day we would axquire our own Torah, and then our congregation would be required to pass it along to another community . "
Fast forward to the present . Kehilat Gesher has had the honor, the merit and the joy to use that "borrowed Torah" for our High Holidays and Shabbats. As a true friend, it has accompanied us through baby namings and during Bar & Bat Mitsva services. It has been in various living rooms of our members , salons de réceptions, out in a country house - it even spent the night in a hotel room ! That Torah , that old friend, has helped us to anchor ourselves to the roots of our living Jewish hoistory . But at the end of the day, that Torah is not ours!
Betsy Matheny approached me recently after the adoption of their gorgeous little girl, Tamara , saying , éisn't it time that we got our OWN Torah and passed this one on to someone else?". To that end, KG has decided to set up a special fund through which we can honor friends and families , in happy times and sad , by donating towards the acquisition of our own scroll.
One of the 613 mitsvot, commandments, within our Tradition is that each Jew must write his or her own copy of the Torah scroll during their lifetime . This can be interpreted to mean that we each must make the Torah our own through finding our own connection with it . For Torah is the inheritance of each andc every Jew. As we Start the Sabbatical year of our lent Torah, I invite you to take that teaching a setup further- participate, through yyour gifts, in the acquisition of OUR collective Torah, so that we may one day soon honor our obligations and duty to give our special friend a new home - to bring hope and a sense of heritage to another congregation of Liberal Jews.
Reb Tom
This summer at Kehilat Gesher - Cet été à Kehilat Gesher
July , Rabbi Tom will be assisting with the summer camp. We will be joining CJL on Saturday morningns for services , at 6, rue Pierre Ginier, Paris 18, at 10:30 am.Au
mois de juillet, notre Rabbin assistera à la colonie de vacances. Nous nous joignoons à la CJL les samedi matins pour les offices au 6 , rue pierre Ginier, 75018, à 10h30..For
all information about services during August, please call the KG line. Pour tout renseignement concernant les offices au mois d'août , veuillez appeler la ligne téléphonique de KGBonnes vacances a tous Have a great Summer