The French Anglophone Jewish Congregation in Paris
"Car il est un royaume du temps, où le but n’est pas d’avoir mais d’être, non pas regner mais partager, non pas vaincre mais adhérer"
Abraham Joshua Heschel
What is Kehilat Gesher?
Kehilah is the Hebrew word for community and gesher means bridge.
Kehilat Gesher is a "community of bridges."
We are a Reform/Conservative Jewish congregation dedicated to ‘bridging’ the gap between Judaism and our daily lives.
We are members of the World Union for Progressive Judaism and helped to establish the Federation of Francophone Liberal Congregations of Europe.
regular weekly services in either Paris or St. Germain-en-Laye (consult our calendar for times and locations)
shabbat and holiday services conducted in Hebrew, French and English, many followed by community meals.
Education, Social and Cultural Activities
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Shabbat services
The first and third Fridays of each month, evening services are held in Paris. The second and fourth Fridays, services are held in St. Germain-en-Laye. Check the monthly calendar for details.
2000/2001 Holiday Calendar 5761
Tou Bishvat 8 fév 2001
Pourim 9 mar 2001
PessaH 8 avr 2001
Yom HaShoa 20 avr 2001
Yom HaAtsmaout 26 avr 2001
Lag BaOmer 11 mai 2001
Yom Yerushalayim 21 2001
Shavouot 28 mai 2001
17 de Tammuz 8 jui 2001
Tisha B'Av 29 jui 2001
Tou B'Av 4 août 2001
Rosh HaShana 18 Sep 2001
Yom Kippur 27 sep 2001
Shemini Asteret/ SimHat Tora 9 oct 2001
Hannoucca 10 Déc 2001
(All holidays start the evening before the date listed.)
10, rue de Pologne
78100 St. Germain-en-Laye -France
tel: (331) 01 39 21 97 19
e-mail kehilatgesher@free.fr
website last updated 12 April2001.
For comments, e-mail webmaster